CSR Annual Action Plan – FY 2023-24
Policy for Determining Materiality of an Event
CSR Annual Action Plan – FY 2022-23
Dividend Distribution Policy (Effective from April 1, 2022)
CSR Policy (Effective from April 1, 2021)
CSR Annual Action Plan – FY 2021-22
Remunerattion Policy (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Policy for Determining Material Subsidiary (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Code for fair disclosure of UPSI (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Insider Trading Policy (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Policy for Enquiry in case of leak of UPSI (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Policy on Related Party Transaction (Effective from April 1, 2022)
Whistle Blower Policy / Vigil Mechanism Policy (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Code of Conduct
Details of the Key Managerial Person
Independent Directors Code
Archival Policy
Grievance Redressal
Familiarisation Programme for Independent Directors

Remuneration Policy
Policy on CSR
Policy for Determining Materiality of an Event (Effective upto July 14, 2023)
Policy on Related Party Transaction (Effective from April 1, 2019)
Code for fair disclosure of UPSI (Effective upto March 31, 2019)
Insider Trading Code 2015 (Effective upto March 31, 2019)
Policy on Material Subsidiary (Effective upto March 31, 2019)
Policy on Related Party Transaction (Effective upto March 31, 2019)
Whistle Blower Policy (Effective upto March 31, 2019)